LGBTQ+ Support and Resources

Got questions? Don’t worry. We’ve all been there!

Whether you’re questioning your gender or sexuality, looking for more information about love, life, and sex, struggling with addiction or homelessness, or just think you could stand to know more – we’ve got a collection of resources to check out.

Resources for young people


If you’re beginning to think you might not be straight, or you want to know more to better support your LGBTQ+ friends and family, and you’re wondering ‘what now?’ – these collected resources should help guide you.


Life is a many-gendered thing. If you’re wondering about your own gender identity, know someone who’s trans, or if you’re just plain curious, get stuck into the resources below.

Sex and relationships

Whether you’re into sex and romance, either, or neither, check out the links below to learn more about sex and relationships. Even the most veteran sex pioneer can always find something new to learn!



Sexual health

If you’re going to be having any kind of sexual contact with somebody else, you’ve got to get your head ’round sexual health. Oh, and if you’re wondering if that one thing you did that time counts? It probably does.